
meinHotel GmbH

Langenhorner Chaussee 99
D-22415 Hamburg
Tel: 040-531 69 400
Fax: 040-531 60 310

Type of company: Limited liability company
Registered at Hamburg Local Court HRB 97702
Registered office of the company: Scharbeutz
Managing directors: Dr. Dietmar Fischer, Lars Fischer
Responsible according to TMG: Dr. Dietmar Fischer

Sources: selected images from iStockphoto and Clipdealer with the kind permission of Wolrdsoft AG.

The description of facilities as well as the mention of individual information, services, prices and dates are provided without guarantee. Errors excepted. meinHotel GmbH has included links to external sites on the Internet on various pages of this website. The following applies to all these links: The past, present and future contents of the pages accessible from this homepage are the sole responsibility of the respective authorised persons or authors. We have no influence on the content or design of the linked external sites, nor do we adopt them as our own.

Online dispute resolution

The European Commission has set up an Internet platform for the online settlement of disputes. The platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from sales and service contracts concluded online. You can access the platform at the following link:

Partial responsibility lies with the Federal Universal Arbitration Office at the Zentrum für Schlichtung e. V. https://www.verbraucher-schlichter. de/

meinHotel GmbH does not participate in consumer arbitration proceedings pursuant to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.

You can reach our company by e-mail at the following address: